Becoming an Employee of Choice- The Drive to Inspire

Inspiration is a powerful tool, and at Impact2Lead we like to say that inspiration is the spark of influence. An accurate picture for portraying this principle is to think of a car. When it is moving, the car will influence most anything in its path. So, if the car represents the influence we have in the lives of those around us, the inspiration is the fuel that produces the spark in the pistons, which in turn moves the car.

Put simply, if you want to be an influential member in your culture, workplace or otherwise, then you need to be driven to inspire. Think about that for just a second…

Are you driven to inspire? Do you look for opportunities in your current position, wherever that may be, to spark growth in others by seeing potential and unleashing it through inspiration?

It is a tough but important question. It is important because inspiration is becoming an increasingly important quality in the workplace to both leaders and employees everywhere.

The HOW Report, a yearly report based on the survey of 16,000 employees in 17 different countries, identified its six major findings for 2016. Number 6 speaks to the importance of inspiration by saying, “Inspiration is 27% more predictive of high performance than employee engagement.” The report goes on to say that inspired employees, “meet challenges with creativity and fidelity to purpose while forging sustainable paths to growth, humility, grit, and hope.”

The bottom line for us is this: inspired people inspire others to move forward. Inspired people are driven to inspire. They just can’t help it. They are emotionally engaged!

But what’s the takeaway for you, right where you are, right now? How can YOU be a person of inspiration where you are?

Here are three practical things you can do right now to be an inspirational Employee of Choice:

1.       Identify what inspires you so you can inspire others; you have to know the source of your own inspiration or the passion that drives this inspiration. If you find that you are not being inspired in your current position, then dig deeper. Look for the purpose behind what you are doing, i.e. why your job exists, rather than simply looking at the mundane tasks or the ordinary activities. There is always a greater purpose behind what we do, and most of the time it isn’t spelled out for us. We just gotta dig deep!

2.       Do your homework by taking the initiative in gaining a greater understanding and appreciation for what the organization does and who they help. Take a long look at the mission, the vision, and the core values then ask questions around them to help you understand how they might align with your own value system. Be a walking ambassador and inspiration to those around you. Help them to understand more deeply, and ask questions of clarification from leadership when things aren’t clear.

3.       Be a positive force and recognize the power you hold as an employee; be a force for positive change by encouraging others to do the same. This isn’t easy if the environment doesn’t lend itself to empowerment or positivity, but let your own deeply inspired personal vision be your anchor in this and every situation. Create a space outside of work to really rest and use that time to fuel what you do!

At the end of the day, realize the power you have over your own actions and let the drive to inspire be a part of your journey to make an Impact and become an “Employee of Choice”!




Unleashing Your Potential


Impactful Gratitude